news & features

News updates and feature stories shared by our fellow Rotarians

Believe In What You Do; Do What You Believe In

The person we become is shaped by our thoughts, words, action and beliefs

a rotary story: rianne

“Never have I imagined I would be the First Lady President of the Prestige Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya.”

Those unexpected moments that become your best memories - one episode at a time.
The continuous practice of Qigong results in a peaceful mind, healthy and energised body and a calm spirit that is more capable of dealing with daily stresses and diseases.
The thought of being able to encourage our youths to make a difference was something truly awesome to me
‘Work for a cause, not for applause.'
I couldn’t imagine being where I am right now, as I was then only a proud parent attending my daughter’s Interact Club installation at SMK Assunta
There is no use living a life which is wasted in just fulfilling personal interests.
Creating smiles for brave hearts
“Come as your Favourite Celebrity”
To raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health