news & features

News updates and feature stories shared by our fellow Rotarians

Believe In What You Do; Do What You Believe In

The person we become is shaped by our thoughts, words, action and beliefs

a rotary story: rianne

“Never have I imagined I would be the First Lady President of the Prestige Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya.”

“RCPJ is a good opportunity to offer a fantastic social life, personal development, and good citizenship.”
“The integration of physical movement with mental focus.”
“The best doctor in the world is our own immune system. ”
Those unexpected moments that become your best memories - one episode at a time.
The continuous practice of Qigong results in a peaceful mind, healthy and energised body and a calm spirit that is more capable of dealing with daily stresses and diseases.
The thought of being able to encourage our youths to make a difference was something truly awesome to me
‘Work for a cause, not for applause.'
I couldn’t imagine being where I am right now, as I was then only a proud parent attending my daughter’s Interact Club installation at SMK Assunta
There is no use living a life which is wasted in just fulfilling personal interests.