The Importance of Membership in our Rotary Club

“Our strength lies not in individual achievements, but in our collective impact.”
Contributing Effectively to Our Rotary Club and Embodying Its Core Motto “Service Above Self.”

“Represent Rotary positively.”
In Conversation With Dr. Tarcisius Chin

“RCPJ is a good opportunity to offer a fantastic social life, personal development, and good citizenship.”
The Practice Of Qiqong And Its Benefits To Mental Health

“The integration of physical movement with mental focus.”
Prosperity Or Health Risks?

“The best doctor in the world is our own immune system. ”
D’Last Hurrah

Those unexpected moments that become your best memories – one episode at a time.
Discovering The Mystical World Of Qigong

The continuous practice of Qigong results in a peaceful mind, healthy and energised body and a calm spirit that is more capable of dealing with daily stresses and diseases.
Rotary Story of Alice Teoh

The thought of being able to encourage our youths to make a difference was something truly awesome to me
Rotary Story of Padmini Subramaniam

‘Work for a cause, not for applause.’
Rotary Story of Siti Haslindah

I couldn’t imagine being where I am right now, as I was then only a proud parent attending my daughter’s Interact Club installation at SMK Assunta